Facebook and Instagram crashing last night was a frightening experience for a lot of people. Brands & individuals (influencers) work hard to build their presence & audiences on social media.  I know I do.  It’s one of the best tools we have as a growing brand, but we forget that the followers we have there and the content we upload there, could be lost to us at any moment.  

If the crash were permanent or they lost your profile in the process, you would loose all the content you worked so hard to create and you would loose connection with all your followers.  

This is exactly why having your own website with subscribers is so valuable.  Your website is a platform you own and manage…so therefore you control.  In this way your content will remain on the internet whether facebook is alive and kicking or not.

Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t work on your social media because that’s just silly.  We all live on our social feeds these days and as a brand, whether personal or business, you need to be where your potential customers and fans are.  There is great power in social media & it is part of the work I do here at Trioh.  All I’m saying is that having your own website and coverting those social media followers into email subscribers means that you are solidifying your online pressence and ensuring access to your real fans.

So if you do not have your own website yet, consider investing in one.  Build it beautifully, offer great content and people will keep coming back for more just the same as they do your social platforms.  Get yourself a subscribers list and show appreciation for the fans and customers who sign up there, because they are the real deal.

That’s if for my quick opinion piece.  I hope it resonated with you and if you need help setting up your website and subscribers list in the future, do keep me in mind.  😉